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The FOLU Impact Report 2021-2024

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About the report

This report provides a snapshot of FOLU’s impact over the past three and a half years, told through nine impact stories. Each story has been selected to bring to life how the Coalition catalyzes change across the different contexts we operate in. We also offer some reflections on what our experiences to date mean for FOLU’s third phase of work from 2025-2027.

The India Impact Story

What is the problem we are trying to solve?

India’s agricultural sector faces multiple overlapping challenges. Overuse of agricultural chemicals, and water shortages have caused severe land degradation. When coupled with increasing weather stress this has led to declining agricultural yields. Inadequate income generation from agriculture and high debt levels have led to extensive recourse to “food for work” government programmes and large-scale seasonal migration to urban areas in search of work. India’s agricultural system is still geared to prioritize cereal production to feed a public distribution system and is yet to progress to address the country’s nutritional crises, malnutrition, micro-nutrient deficiency, and rising obesity. Regenerative and sustainable approaches to agriculture offer a long-term solution to all these challenges but a lack of knowledge or demand from farmers and policymakers means that action on this is sparse.

What did we do?

Under India’s federal system, responsibility for agricultural development sits with state governments. However, agricultural policy decisions are taken by the union government and implemented by the state government. FOLU closely supports the state government of Madhya Pradesh in better understanding the potential benefits of a sustainable and regenerative approach to its agricultural sector. In collaboration with the Department of Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development (FWAD), we helped the state government prepare an action plan with critical knowledge integrated at the district level. We convened key stakeholders in four state districts and secured an agreement to pilot regenerative approaches on the ground. Furthermore, we connected stakeholders with the rich knowledge held within India’s civil society community. We believe access to these resources will be key to the broader transition to sustainable and regenerative agriculture.

What was our impact?

FOLU’s efforts are leading to the roll out of regenerative and sustainable agricultural practices in four districts in Madhya Pradesh. Importantly, from a political perspective, this shift is framed in terms of improving farmers’ income. Crucially, the protection of environmental and social outcomes does not involve compromising on productivity. Madhya Pradesh is becoming a national case study for how other states can lead on large-scale regenerative agriculture transitions steered by local agriculture departments.

Why does it matter?

FOLU’s work with the Government of Madhya Pradesh acknowledges the leading role of the state Farmer’s Welfare and Agriculture Department. This way of working has the potential to trigger a faster and wider transformation of the food system. It provides a compelling alternative to the current mix of piecemeal efforts to convert existing agricultural practices. If successful, the uptake of regenerative and sustainable approaches will boost food security and secure crop yields. This in turn will shore up support for the broader food transition.

What comes next?

FOLU India’s agenda is aligned with India’s commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The convergence of political will, economic imperatives, and alignment with national goals makes this the optimal moment for FOLU India to play a pivotal role in driving sustainable transformations in the Indian food and land use sector.

The Madhya Pradesh Sustainable Agriculture Project: Synergizing Policies and Actions (MPSAP-SPA) is a direct impact initiative undertaken by FOLU India. Know more about it here

Discover the other Impact Stories of the Coalition’s efforts across the globe here

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