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Event Brief

The Food Systems Summit 2024 is designed as a premier national conference of the Food Systems Hub where practitioners, academicians and private sector will showcase their work on various aspects of food systems transformation. The Summit is co-organized by Food and Land Use Coalition India (FOLU India) with the support of its core partners and Bharat Krishak Samaj. The inaugural edition of the Summit is scheduled to take place from 15th to 17th of October, 2024 in New Delhi.

Objective and thematic focus

The objective of the Summit is to foster understanding, collaboration, and learning among participants to accelerate Food Systems Transformation in a just and inclusive manner. The Summit will showcase sustainable models focusing on the following four key thematic areas:

• Supporting sustainable agriculture production
• Facilitating rainfed area management
• Improving nutritional outcomes
• Driving sustainable food distribution systems and consumption behaviour

Organization and Structure

The Summit will be held over three days. Events will include:

• High-level plenary sessions and addresses by sectoral experts
• Parallel sessions across the four thematic areas, hosting about 80 CSOs
• Networking opportunities for all participants

The FSS will witness about 200 participants, drawn from diverse fields related to the food system. The expected audience includes the presenting institutional representatives, policymakers, individual experts, civil society, students, and academia.

Read the full event background note here.

Full Agenda

15th – 17th October, 2024


New Delhi

Event Type

Participation by invitation

Key Speakers

Organising Partners

Pavillion Partners

Registration​ & Breakfast

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM (90 minutes)

Opening Plenary​

10:30 AM – 11:40 AM​ (70 minutes)

Tea Break​

11:40 AM – 12:00​ PM (20 minutes)

Parallel Sessions: Round 1​

12:00 PM – 1:30 PM​ (90 minutes)

Pavillion 1 - Supporting sustainable agriculture production Innovations in agri-finance and investment pathways for sustainable Indian agriculture

Pavilion 2 - Facilitating Rainfed Area Management Climate Resilience through indigenous mixed cropping systems

Pavilion 3 - Improving nutritional outcomes India's nutrition status - An overview

Pavilion 4 - Driving Sustainable Food Distribution Systems and Consumption Behaviour Public Distribution System: Impact and challenges


1:30 PM – 2:30​ PM (60 minutes)

Parallel Sessions: Round 2​

2:30 PM – 4:30 PM​ (120 minutes)

Pavillion 1 - Supporting sustainable agriculture production Knowledge and best practices from Indian landscapes

Pavilion 2 - Facilitating Rainfed Area Management Strengthening water security in climate vulnerable regions

Pavilion 3 - Improving nutritional outcomes Addressing malnutrition through community mobilisation

Pavilion 4 - Driving Sustainable Food Distribution Systems and Consumption Behaviour Innovations in sustainable agriculture value chains and their co-benefits

Tea Break​

4:30 PM – 4:45​ PM (15 minutes)

High-level Plenary Session 1

4:45 PM – 5:45 PM (60 minutes) Frameworks and learnings available for global food systems transformation

Registration​ & Tea

9:00 AM – 9:30​ AM (30 minutes)

High-level Plenary Session 2

9:30 AM – 10:45 AM (75 minutes) Priorities for next decades - Views from funding agencies in India

Tea Break​

10:45 AM – 11:00 AM​ (15 minutes)

Parallel Sessions: Round 3​

11:00 AM – 12:30​ PM (90 minutes)

Pavillion 1 - Supporting sustainable agriculture production A Vision for Healthy Soils in India

Pavilion 2 - Facilitating Rainfed Area Management Community-managed Seed Systems for Climate Resilient agriculture

Pavilion 3 - Improving nutritional outcomes Rural and gender perspectives on nutrition outcomes

Pavilion 4 - Driving Sustainable Food Distribution Systems and Consumption Behaviour Driving sustainable consumer behaviour shift: Nutrition, environment and livelihood


12:30 PM – 1:30​ PM (60 minutes)

High-level Plenary Session 3

1:30 PM – 2:30 PM (60 minutes) Convergence of key factors in food systems transformation

Tea Break​

2:30 PM – 2:40 PM (10 minutes)

Parallel Sessions: Round 4​

2:40 PM – 4:40​ PM (120 minutes)

Pavillion 1 - Supporting sustainable agriculture production Community based innovations in water productivity

Pavilion 2 - Facilitating Rainfed Area Management Significance of Pastoral and Extensive Livestock Systems

Pavilion 3 - Improving nutritional outcomes Fortification as a solution for malnutrition

Pavilion 4 - Driving Sustainable Food Distribution Systems and Consumption Behaviour Mainstreaming private sector commitments on sustainability: Nutrition, environment and livelihood

Tea Break​

4:40 PM – 4:55 PM (15 minutes)

High-level Plenary Session 4

4:55 PM – 5:55 PM (60 minutes) National Food Systems Transformation - Perspectives from multi-lateral & bilateral agencies on action pathways


9:00 AM – 9:30​ AM (30 minutes)

High-level Plenary Session 5

9:30 AM – 10:45 AM (75 minutes) Priorities for next decades - Views from global funding agencies

Tea Break​

10:45 AM – 11:00 AM​ (15 minutes)

Parallel Sessions: Round 5​

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM (90 minutes)

Pavillion 1 - Supporting sustainable agriculture production Scalability and profitability in agri-diversification practices

Pavilion 2 - Facilitating Rainfed Area Management Policies and practices for sustainable rainfed area management

Pavilion 3 - Improving nutritional outcomes Tapping opportunities for improved nutrition through top-down approaches

Pavilion 4 - Driving Sustainable Food Distribution Systems and Consumption Behaviour Role of FPOs and technology interventions in market linkages


12:30 PM – 1:30 PM (60 minutes)

Parallel Sessions: Round 6​

1:30 PM – 3:30​ PM (120 minutes)

Pavillion 1 - Supporting sustainable agriculture production Innovations by private sector in optimising agri-inputs

Pavilion 2 - Facilitating Rainfed Area Management Securing livelihoods through people-centric approaches in millets value chain

Pavilion 3 - Improving nutritional outcomes Co-benefits of securing nutrition for communities

Pavilion 4 - Driving Sustainable Food Distribution Systems and Consumption Behaviour Collaborative Action to Reduce Food Loss and Food Waste in India

Tea Break​

3:30 PM – 3:45 PM (15 minutes)

Closing Plenary​

3:45 PM – 5:15 PM (90 minutes)

Our Speakers

Press Release

Food Systems Summit 2024, Pan India Knowledge Exchange Platform for Food System Stakeholders Commences, 15th October 2024


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